Performing the remaining construction and craft works and installation works for the completion of the BH Telecom building in Sarajevo with supply and installation of materials and equipment, till bringing the facility into full operation.
BH Telecom is a leading telecommunications company in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which for the purpose of saving costs in the work process and improving the quality of business, placed the key business sectors “under a common roof”, the office building of BH Telecom in the center of Sarajevo, at Franca Lehara No.7.
In public bid competition Unioninvest was chosen as the most favorable competitor and signed an agreement for performance of the remaining construction and craft works and installation works for the completion of the BH Telecom building in Sarajevo with supply and installation of materials and equipment, in order to put the facility into full operation.
Until that time, only the main civil works have been completed.
Area of the building is 8.027m2 and has an open parking space of 1.887 m2 and garage with total area of 2.016m2.
Entrance in the building is a modern decorated entrance hall, and has 4 elevators and two staircases.
The building is designed for administrative purposes, modern, fully equipped and furnished, further enriched by works of art and works of famous and recognized the Bosnia and Herzegovina painters and artists.
In addition to administrative space, the building also has other facilities, a restaurant with a kitchen, coffee kitchens on each floor, the modern archive and storage space, as well as the technological area with the latest technology.
In addition to the designed mechanical, electrical and sewerage installations, we installed the most modern systems of low power: video surveillance system, access control system and registration of working time, and especially to highlight the LAN service (VOIP and IPTV) networks, as well as the multimedia hall and press center with audio and video systems.
Basic information:
Total contract value: 6,746.852.86 BAM (3,449.611,00 €)
Investor: BH Telecom dd Sarajevo
Area: approximately 8.027 m2
Location / Address: Street Franca Lehara, Sarajevo
Period: June 2013 – Oktober 2014