
Construction of the main Plazulje-Potočari pipeline

At the beginning of March 2024 a contract was signed between the Brčko District Government and the Unioninvest company from Sarajevo on the construction of the main transport pipeline Plazulje-Potočari. This capital project will permanently solve the problem of water supply in Brčko and its surroundings.

Value: 14.015.645,34 € (27.412.219,63 BAM)

The construction project includes the following main groups of works:

Adaptation of the Plazulje pumping station;
Construction of the main transmission pipeline with a length of 14 km;
Construction of a semi-buried reservoir with a capacity of one thousand cubic meters in Potočari;
Construction of a water pipeline connecting the reservoir in Potočari with the existing water supply network;
Chlorination devices;
Supporting electrical equipment and systems (SCADA, etc.).

Place: District Brčko

Performance period 18 months


PS Krivoglavci 1 i 2

Investor/Contractor: Municipality of Vogošća, KJKP "ViK" d.o.o. Sarajevo

Engineer: KS Construction Institute

Project value: 717,700.00 BAM

PS Krivoglavci 1

As part of the activities to solve the problem of water supply in the settlements of Svrake and Krivoglavci I, the construction of the Krivoglavci I pumping station is planned. The pumping system consists of 3 pumping units, of which 2 are working and 1 is spare.

In the first phase, for the period until 2030, the inflow of water to PS is all day (24 h), in the amount of 9.45 l/s, and pumping towards the Krivoglavci 1 reservoir is 22 h per day, in the amount of 10.31 l/s, H= 69.27 mVS, 100%; 84%.

In the final phase (end of the planning period, 2050), the pumping system has the characteristics Q= 13.29 l/s, H= 71.71 mVS, 100%; 98%.

PS Krivoglavci 2

As part of the activities to solve the problem of water supply in the Krivoglavci II settlement, the construction of the Krivoglavci II pumping station is planned. The pumping system consists of 2 pumping aggregates, of which 1 is working and 1 is spare.

In the first phase, for the period until 2030, the inflow of water to PS is all day (24 h), in the amount of 4.11 l/s, and pumping towards the Krivoglavci 2 reservoir is 22 h per day, in the amount of 6.17 l/s, H= 70.61 mVS, 91%.

In the final phase (end of the planning period, 2050), the pumping system has characteristics Q= 7.38 l/s, H= 72.84 mVS, 99%.


Construction of the pumping station and reservoir in Poturovići

Project: Execution of works on water supply for the settlements of Poturovići and Ljubina in the municipality of Vogošća – Phase I (Construction of the pumping station and reservoir “Poturovići”).

Client: Municipality of Vogošća, KJKP “ViK” d.o.o., Sarajevo

Supervision: Sarajevo Canton Construction Institute

Contractor: Unioninvest d.d., Sarajevo

Designer: Institute for Water Management d.d., Sarajevo

Project Value: 919,177.01 BAM (468.500 €)

Project Description: As part of the activities to address the water supply issues in the settlements of Poturovići and Ljubina in the municipality of Vogošća, the construction of facilities – a pumping station, access road to the reservoir, and reservoir – is planned as the first phase. The purpose of the pumping station is to transport a water quantity of 1.62 l/s (from the water chamber V = 11.25 m3) via the designated pressure pipeline DN 50 mm, with a length of approximately 576.0 m to the Poturovići reservoir (Kdn/Kpr = 622.0/625.0 m.a.s.l.).


Performing works on the Depot facility at the Srebrenica-Potočari Memorial Center

Project: Execution of works on the Depot facility at the Srebrenica-Potočari Memorial Center

This involves the construction of a depot for storing biological materials, items, and personal clothing of genocide victims, along with necessary infrastructure.

Investors: Srebrenica-Potočari Memorial Center and Catholic Relief Services

Supervision: Sarajevo Canton Construction Institute

Contractor: Unioninvest d.d. Sarajevo

Designer: Vizija d.o.o. Sarajevo

Project value: 1.421 840,28 BAM (725.000,00 €)


VENETO OTOKA Residental and commercial building

Design, construction and sale of residential and commercial space in Sarajevo.

The number of floors in the building is 2 basements/garage space + ground floor + 12 floors.

The building has over 220 residential units/apartments on floors and business premises on the ground floor and gallery level.

All residential and business premises registered in the Land Register.


OHR building

Office building BMIGR is designed as a modern office building of high rank, which in accordance with the Regulatory Plan can provide their clients with high level services.
Total area:     P = 4.144,95 m2.  

The building is classified as a high standardized object (Class A) according to the following characteristics:

  • completely reconstructed building in accordance with first-class design
  • excellent location, central business area, good visibility and positioning
  • easy and quick access to the building
  • attractiveness to creditworthy and prestigious clientele
  • high level of rent
  • professional asset maintenance and management 
  • modern design and architecture
  • security concrete wall 2,5 m high
  • security/entry house in front of the building
  • installed first-class materials
  • modern high standard windows and window panes
  • reception in the lobby
  • incorporated raised floors, for deposit of cable route
  • Built-in two elevators 
  • power supply solved minimum with power from two sources, with automatic switch
  • HVAC system
  • telephone connection 
  • satisfied safety standards (installed fire alarm system)
  • video surveillance (CCTV), TV and IT system: installed in accordance with the requirements of the current user of the building

Office building UNIONINVEST- Grbavička street

Office building is designed as a modern, high-class office building, which can provide its tenants a high level of comfort. 
The building was totally reconstructed , all floor coverings were replaced, covering of walls and ceilings also , all installations with rough and fine assembly, all facade and interior joinery and sheet-metal works,  all kitchen and sanitary equipment.
The building is connected to all city’s infrastructure.
The building is B+GF+6F
Total area:     P = 4.991,80 m2.