
Construction of the main Plazulje-Potočari pipeline

At the beginning of March 2024 a contract was signed between the Brčko District Government and the Unioninvest company from Sarajevo on the construction of the main transport pipeline Plazulje-Potočari. This capital project will permanently solve the problem of water supply in Brčko and its surroundings.

Value: 14.015.645,34 € (27.412.219,63 BAM)

The construction project includes the following main groups of works:

Adaptation of the Plazulje pumping station;
Construction of the main transmission pipeline with a length of 14 km;
Construction of a semi-buried reservoir with a capacity of one thousand cubic meters in Potočari;
Construction of a water pipeline connecting the reservoir in Potočari with the existing water supply network;
Chlorination devices;
Supporting electrical equipment and systems (SCADA, etc.).

Place: District Brčko

Performance period 18 months


PS Krivoglavci 1 i 2

Investor/Contractor: Municipality of Vogošća, KJKP "ViK" d.o.o. Sarajevo

Engineer: KS Construction Institute

Project value: 717,700.00 BAM

PS Krivoglavci 1

As part of the activities to solve the problem of water supply in the settlements of Svrake and Krivoglavci I, the construction of the Krivoglavci I pumping station is planned. The pumping system consists of 3 pumping units, of which 2 are working and 1 is spare.

In the first phase, for the period until 2030, the inflow of water to PS is all day (24 h), in the amount of 9.45 l/s, and pumping towards the Krivoglavci 1 reservoir is 22 h per day, in the amount of 10.31 l/s, H= 69.27 mVS, 100%; 84%.

In the final phase (end of the planning period, 2050), the pumping system has the characteristics Q= 13.29 l/s, H= 71.71 mVS, 100%; 98%.

PS Krivoglavci 2

As part of the activities to solve the problem of water supply in the Krivoglavci II settlement, the construction of the Krivoglavci II pumping station is planned. The pumping system consists of 2 pumping aggregates, of which 1 is working and 1 is spare.

In the first phase, for the period until 2030, the inflow of water to PS is all day (24 h), in the amount of 4.11 l/s, and pumping towards the Krivoglavci 2 reservoir is 22 h per day, in the amount of 6.17 l/s, H= 70.61 mVS, 91%.

In the final phase (end of the planning period, 2050), the pumping system has characteristics Q= 7.38 l/s, H= 72.84 mVS, 99%.


Construction of the pumping station and reservoir in Poturovići

Project: Execution of works on water supply for the settlements of Poturovići and Ljubina in the municipality of Vogošća – Phase I (Construction of the pumping station and reservoir “Poturovići”).

Client: Municipality of Vogošća, KJKP “ViK” d.o.o., Sarajevo

Supervision: Sarajevo Canton Construction Institute

Contractor: Unioninvest d.d., Sarajevo

Designer: Institute for Water Management d.d., Sarajevo

Project Value: 919,177.01 BAM (468.500 €)

Project Description: As part of the activities to address the water supply issues in the settlements of Poturovići and Ljubina in the municipality of Vogošća, the construction of facilities – a pumping station, access road to the reservoir, and reservoir – is planned as the first phase. The purpose of the pumping station is to transport a water quantity of 1.62 l/s (from the water chamber V = 11.25 m3) via the designated pressure pipeline DN 50 mm, with a length of approximately 576.0 m to the Poturovići reservoir (Kdn/Kpr = 622.0/625.0 m.a.s.l.).


Reconstruction works at Sarajevo waste water treatment plant at Butila

Thanks to best offered technical solutions and most favorable financial conditions, Unioninvest has been awarded with a great project after taking part in International procedure: Reconstruction works at Sarajevo Waste Water Treatment Plant at Butile, PE 600.000, valued 25 million €. 

We are confident in successful implementation of this project in which we are investing our experience in construction of such  facilities.

Detailed description: 

The Sarajevo Wastewater project aims at improving the water quality of Miljacka and Bosna rivers by rehabilitating the idle wastewater treatment plant at Butila and improving the efficiency of the sewer systems in the Sarajevo Canton. These measures will reduce the exposure of downstream communities to polluted surface water and improve the environmental conditions.

The existing WWTP, which was constructed in 1984, will be rehabilitated and upgraded in 2 phases:

Phase 1: Rehabilitation of the existing WWTP to re-establish the original capacity and treatment level (secondary treatment), 600.000 PE
Phase 2: Upgrade of the WWTP for nutrient removal to achieve compliance with EU standard, 650.000 PE

Key Project data:

Identification No:   BA-SWWP-7842BA-S&I-12-14
Scope of Contract: Reconstruction Works at Sarajevo Wastewater Treatment Plant At            Butila, Procurement of Plant Design, Supply and Installation
                                 (Phase 1 and Preliminary design of Phase II)
Origin of Funding: World Bank (WB), International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), IPA funds
Employer:  VIK doo Sarajevo , B&H (Sarajevo Water and Waste water communal agency)
Duration of Contract: 2.00 Year(s)
Contract Signature Date: 15-Jan-2014
Contract Price: 50,116.595,99 BAM (25,624.209,00 €)

Design flows:

ParametersUnit of measurePhase IPhase II
Raw water pumping station/ preliminary treatmentm3/s5.25.2
The Primary sedimentationm3/s2.6 (4.4)4.4
Biological Treatmentm3/s2.64.4

Design Mass Loadings for WWTP :

ParametersUnit of measurePhase IPhase II
Biological Oxygen DemandkgBOD5/d36’00039’000
Chemical Oxygen DemandkgCOD/d72’00078’000
Total Suspended SolidskgTSS/d42’00045’500
Total Kjeldahl NitrogenkgTKN/d6’6007’150
Total PhosphoruskgPtot/d1’0801’170

Basic elements of the plant:

  • Pretreatment
  • Biological treatment (primary sedimentation tanks, aeration, secondary sedimentation tanks, sludge recirculation)
  • Sludge treatment sludge with recuperation of energy

Filter station Bukovica Kakanj

Investor: PUK “Vodovod i kanalizacija” Kakanj

The value of these works EUR 1,924,711.44 (with all additional works)

Filter station capacity 130 l / s.

Phase I: Design and reconstruction of coagulation, flocculation and chlorine stations with accompanying construction works, measurement control, motor distribution, automatic polymer and coagulant dosing.
Type of work: Construction, hydro-mechanical and electrical works

Phase II: Main “ductile” pipeline “Haljinići-Bjelavići” DN 200 mm, L = 4200 m and construction of water tank “Hrasno”, V = 2500m3.
Type of work: Construction, hydro-mechanical and electrical works

Phase III: Repair of existing water intake, water pipes, flocculation, settling tank, flocculation halls, operational buildings, clean water tanks, construction of 3 pieces of filter, filter press for sedimentation tank, exterior landscaping and access roads
Type of work: Construction, hydro-mechanical and electrical works


Design, Reconstruction and working of the Waste Water Treatment Plant for Odžak town

Design, Reconstruction and working of the Waste Water Treatment Plant for Odžak town

Identification No:   BA-OD-ICB-S&I-02-TF055265

1. Project:

Mechanically-biological plant for treatment of communal waste water 

2. Project data:

Total price with Collector: 4.502.781,27 BAM (2,302.235,50 €)
Period: 2010

3. Waste Water Treatment:

Mechanically-biological plant for treatment of communal waste water is predicted by technological solution.
Designed plant for treatment contains following facilities: 
Primary treatment plant capacity 1050 l/s:

1.    Fine mechanical cleaning facility with following units: 
1.1.     Inlet distribution shaft
1.2. Input pump station with screw pumps for waste water capacity 2×105 l/s, fine automatic screen capacity 220 l/s, and blower for aerated sand settle-grease tank       (2 pcs blowers)
1.3. Input pump station with screw pumps for rain water capacity 2×420 l/s, Rough       automatic mechanical screen capacity 840 l/s
1.4.     Aerated sand settle tank with sand sorter    
1.5.     Pump station with screw pumps and rough automatic screen
1.6. Control measurement grove – flow meter Type “Venture” 
Secondary treatment plant:

2.    Bio-aeration tank with biological treatment of waste water with following units: 
2.1. Bio aeration tank, 
2.2.    Stabilization tank, 
2.3.    Compressor and diesel-generator station where we have: 
– Low-pressure blowers for air blowing into bio-aired pools with belonging supply pipeline (4 pcs)
– Diesel-electrical generator and control electrical board for reserve supply of device for treatment   in case of power failure 
2.4.    Pump station for transport of surplus mud from stabilization pool to gravity thickener       (2 pcs pumps, 1 working+1 spare) 

3.    Secondary sand settle tank with facilities for mud treatment and measurement duct for treated waste water 
3.1.     Secondary sand settle tank for final waste water purification, 
3.2.    Pump station for transport of return mud to bioairation tank, 
3.3.Exit control-measurement groove-Q flow meter and for automatic taking of composite samples 
3.4.    Disinfection facility for treated waste water 
3.5.    Gravity mud thickener 
3.6.    Mud drying beds

4.    Administrative-operation building with control centre, laboratory and common premises 


Reconstruction of filter station Zdena, Sanski Most

Investor: EUROPEAN UNION, Delegation of the EuropeanCommission to BiH
The value of these works 2,364,478.00 EURO 

Works are done on the reconstruction filter as the capacity of 250 l / s: 

  • The layer opened filter box 4 +2: dimensions L = 5.0 m, b = 2×2, 5 m, H = 4.0 m 
  • Service station:
    • Clean water:    Q = 2×522 m3 / h,   H = 65m, N = 132.0 kW 
    • Raw-water:      Q = 2×540 m3 / h,   H =   5m, N =   15.0 kW 
    • Washing filter: Q = 2×486 m3 / h,    H =   8m, N =  18.5 kW 
    • Air blower –    Q = 28N m3/min 
  • Pools for coagulation: 4 pool size: 4.0 x 4.0 x 3.6 m 
  • Reservoir for raw water V = 35 m3 
  • Reservoir for clean water  V = 2×310 m3 
  • Station for dosing chemicals
  • Laboratory 
  • Pool for sedimentation

Sanski Most statement


Reconstruction of the Waste Water Treatment plant for Trnovo town and the Building of Sewage Collector for Turovi Settlement, B&H

Identification No:  N0:BA-TR-ICB-W-01-TF055265 

Investor: KJKP „Vodovod i kanalizacija“ d.o.o. Sarajevo
The value of these works: 1,165,147.49 EURO
Plant size 5.000 IE; 10.000 IE in the final phase
Waste Water Treatment included:

Pumping station for primary waste water lifting with  two screw pumps capacity 80 l/s; automatic curve grid with adjustable time relay switching-off or manual switch-off; sand settlement track; canal with flow meter; bio-aeration basin with mammoth rotors – brushes regulation overflow; secondary settlement tank.

Waste water comes through the sewer of 400 mm to pumping station for primary lifting, where screw pumps are installed. Screw pumps lift the waste water at a certain height allowing gravitational flow of water through the plant. The treatment process begins with the grid. The automatic curve grid has been envisaged. The waste from the grid is collected in a container and transported to an appropriate disposal location. After the treatment at the grid, where waste particles larger than 16 mm are retained, waste water is transported to the sand settlement track.