Investor: PUK “Vodovod i kanalizacija” Kakanj
The value of these works EUR 1,924,711.44 (with all additional works)
Filter station capacity 130 l / s.
Phase I: Design and reconstruction of coagulation, flocculation and chlorine stations with accompanying construction works, measurement control, motor distribution, automatic polymer and coagulant dosing.
Type of work: Construction, hydro-mechanical and electrical works
Phase II: Main “ductile” pipeline “Haljinići-Bjelavići” DN 200 mm, L = 4200 m and construction of water tank “Hrasno”, V = 2500m3.
Type of work: Construction, hydro-mechanical and electrical works
Phase III: Repair of existing water intake, water pipes, flocculation, settling tank, flocculation halls, operational buildings, clean water tanks, construction of 3 pieces of filter, filter press for sedimentation tank, exterior landscaping and access roads
Type of work: Construction, hydro-mechanical and electrical works