The purpose of the contract is to provide supervision services over the works on behalf of the contracting authority to be carried out in relation to construction of the prison facility to be built according to the European Prison Rules. The consultant is required to act as the ‘Engineer’ in FIDIC terms and to provide supervision services with full responsibility for the execution of all works compliant to contract conditions, as well as to ensure the provision of the services necessary during the defects notification period.
The construction of a State level maximum security prison in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a key part of improving the judiciary system. The State prison will be for adult males; untried prisoners remanded in custody or prisoners sentenced by the State Court.
The total capacity will be for 348 inmates. The State Prison is situated in East Ilidza Municipality, app. 11 km from Sarajevo. It is estimated that the State Prison facilities for primary prison activities will cover a floor area of approximately 23.000 m². Additionally 10.000 m² is foreseen as service areas for installation, emergency operation etc.
The establishment will be a low energy structure, having complex security systems.
The foreseen construction period will be app. 24 months and works will be implemented as per FIDIC MDB Harmonized Construction Contract General Conditions.
The total value of the contract: 1,129.813 BAM (577.664,10 €)
Investor: Project Implementation Unit on behalf Ministry of Justice Bosnia and Herzegovina
Total construction investment: 70,000.000 BAM (35,000.000 €)
Period: July 2014 – … (ongoing)